Sunday, June 30, 2013

Picture Book Linky Party--Week #2 (Math Concepts)

Thank you to those of you who linked up for the first week of school  picture book party, and for those that commented with your favorites.  I  REALLY love that  you gave me more suggestions, but my Amazon cart is FULL!  Do you think that hubby would notice if a few thirty books or so just showed up? Ahh, I will just order them in small quantities.  NO ONE WILL NOTICE! :)

I think that it's time to do week two!!

Math Concepts!  
There's a LOT of picture books that help teach math.
There are tons of great counting books.  
For example,
I'm sure many of you have this one, as it's a favorite in a K or Grade 1 room! 
 Have you also seen this one?  My son enjoyed this one when he was younger.

Both are cute counting books, with a fun rhyming pattern. 
Mrs. McTats is also an A-B-C book!  Very cute! 

There are a several books about time I use.
With this book, I read to the first time that the boy is told "Just a Minute". I ask my class if they've ever heard that before (as my firsties can relate).  Then I have them tell me how long a minute is.  After listening to their ideas, we close our eyes, and open them when they think a minute is up.  I then discuss the second hand/minute hand/etc.  I feel that it's important that they learn about all the parts that help make up an hour.  I really like this book.  It's a quick read, and a great intro.  

I read this story for the first time this year.  I think my principal (she was observing me) and myself enjoyed it as much as my kiddos.  It's a cute story for the concept of hour.  Students can show the time that the Roosters are doing their daily activity on mini clocks as you read.  

I just stumbled upon this one.  It's going to have to go in the cart.  
It sounds cute, have you read it?

 I was in the process of adding Tally O'Malley to my cart,
and what do I do?? 
 I go and look at those little images that are underneath the words
 "Customers Who Bought this Item Also Bought" 
Now what did I go and do that for?
Look at these great book selections.  How perfect are these for K-1 concepts?

I actually had this one (12 Ways to Get to 11) in my cart last year, and never purchased it.  
If you have it, let me know if it's as great as I think it would be for my kiddos! :)

Now, I am also very fortunate to have a great public library, and my school library is good too.  A lot of these books, if not at my local library, I can order them from another library in the state and borrow it.  I'm not sure if other states work that way, but it's a great way for me to explore books.  Then, if it's a book I  feel I will use again, I consider purchasing.  It saves me money that way, and I get to see the book and content.  I can't always do that on Amazon.

Three more books to share with you. These are concepts that I spend quite a bit of time on, and I think that they would be must haves in my classroom.
For non-standard measuring, have you seen this book?
For equal/not equal equations, I think this book will be so cute!!

Finally, a concept that is so hard for my kiddos--more and fewer.
The question "How many more? is a killer!
I hope to use this book to address the terms, and ask questions in regards to that.

Link up!  Here's How:
1) Grab the image below.  
2) Post it to your blog post and link back to this post.
3) Share your favorite picture books to teach math concepts.
4) Return to this post and share your link with inlinkz.  
Remember to use the exact URL of your blog post so that others can find your great book choices!

Perhaps, you could also take time to comment on others posts.  :)  
I had many new bloggers link up to last week's.   
I'm sure they would love some new followers/comments! :)

If you are not a blogger, you can participate too!  
What are YOUR favorite books for teaching math concepts?  :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Picture Books-A LInky Party

You know you're an elementary school teacher immediately head to the kid's book section.  It's true.  Take me to a book store, and that's where I head.  My husband makes fun of me for it.  I said I go for my own kids to pick out books, we won't mention I was doing that BEFORE we had kids. ;)  My daughter is now at the point where she pokes fun of me too.  She's an avid reader--likes to read just like her dad.  Here good ole' mom is sitting on the floor reading picture books. Ohh well!  At least my son stays close by *okay--not really, even he goes for at least chapter books*.  It is what it is! Don't judge me. :)

There is always something new out when I head to a book store, or I check Amazon.  
How on earth do I keep up with all the great story books?
Well, I had an idea--notice I didn't say GOOD idea, because I need help to make this go over. :)
Let me explain my thinking though. 

I would like to do a weekly linky that showcases books.  
For example, this week I'd like to do picture books to use the first week of school.
Next week, maybe I'll do math picture books or variations to fairy tales.
I'll post a new linky each week to get new book ideas for your classroom.
 The downfall of this idea---I'm going to go broke, because just like cupcake liners and clipart, I have ANOTHER addiction--Picture Books. :)

First up-Recess Queen.
I just purchased this story last year.  I LOVED it, my students loved it-and apparently my coworkers loved it as they borrowed it for their classes.  The illustrations are wonderful, and the character ed traits you can teach with this book are endless.  It's a great book for your bullying program, if you have one. 

Have you read A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue?  This is another story that I purchased last year.  
My class really enjoyed the illustrations.  It was a great story to lead into a discussion of tattling vs. reporting.  
Of course, there's always my favorite.  
Miss Nelson is Missing.  
I've used this book for years.  I read it, we discuss the behaviors of the students.  
We come up with a list of class rules together, and I have my students sign it (like a contract.)

These are just a few of the books I use at the beginning of the year.  
I love to take breaks and just read to them during the day.  
BUT, everyone needs a change---so I add to my list each year too (to switch up routines).
Here are a few books I have in my cart right now. 

AND these two books by 
Helen Lester.

I really do love picture books, and I'd love for my list to grow.  
Well, I'd love for it too--not so sure my wallet would like for it to.

So here's where you come in.  
Link up friends.  
Grab my linky button at the top, and share your favorite books you use the first week of school, and you can share a few that you are "wishing" for. :)
Link back to my blog post, and your link needs to be the blog link of your post. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Neat Websites for the Classroom

Today I was baking in the kitchen--go figure!

A lot of sugar there--but I didn't eat them.  Do you know how many calories are in those things? YIKES!

Anyway, as the cupcakes were baking, I thought I'd play around on the computer and see what I could find.  I guess hindsight I probably should've cleaned house, or got on the treadmill--but what's the fun in that?  PLUS, I was making cupcakes.  The house is just going to get dirty (at least the kitchen), and getting on the treadmill--well, I guess I didn't want to get sweaty! ;)

So, as I was saying, I played around on the computer a little bit.  
I searched for some new websites to use in the classroom. 
 I found some cool things I'd like to share with you.
(Thanks to Ashely Hughes for the cute little computer!)

The first site is to create your own Jeopardy Games at Jeopardy Labs.
Yes you can do it on PowerPoint, but to me, this is much easier.
 This is the first screen.  You can see that you can build your own, or use games created by others.  There aren't a lot of games to choose from, but once you create a game with a free account, it stays public. 
 After you click the "start building" button, you will be taken to the above screen.  Notice that you aren't really creating an account.  You're just entering a password.

Here is what your Jeopardy Screen page will look like 
(but it does go to 500--my screen shot just wasn't big enough)
Enter a title for your game.  Then proceed with asking questions. 
 Save your game. 
 Remember your title, and you have your own Jeopardy Game to access later.  
This would be fun with math review, or even phonics skills. :)

Next up, we have Fuel the Brain.  
This is a cute little website for games, though probably geared more towards 2nd graders. 
I enjoyed playing the Jelly Golf.  
It was a fraction game.  ( I won! LOL)  I think this would be a good game for first graders too.
Some of the games are a little "advanced" for some of my students, but I could see this being a game site I will use this year.

Have you heard of Turtle Diary?

What a fun little website. 
What I like about this is it's a fun way to get my students to a)Use a mouse with dragging and dropping, and b) practice their skills. I can also differentiate with this website as it lists the content area, skill, and grades level recommendation (PK-2).  Check it out. 

And the last one for today---is for all you LUCKY teachers with I-PADS in your classroom.
It's called Appolicious--the Education page. 

It lists TONS of apps you can get for your I-Phone or I-Pad, and the reviews.  It's broken down by category.  I think it's a pretty neat little link, but I unfortunately don't have I-PADs in my classroom. 

So have you heard of any of these websites?
Would you like me to continue posting some great links I've found?