Sunday, October 30, 2011

Delicious Sorting for Halloween

So I saw these today (25 packs for $4.98) while getting some last minute things in Wal-mart.  (I'm sure they've been around---but I don't go to Wal-mart much---I'm more of a Target gal myself, and unfortunately there's not one near me---but that's another story).  Anyhoo--I thought...hmm...GRAPHING activity.  I mean my kiddos are already going to be excited about Halloween and Trick-or Treat tomorrow anyway--so why not get them on their sugar high early do something a little Halloween-ish! I came home (and after grading papers, and quarterlies, and recording grades---I feel like I'm cramming for the quarter's end just like I did  in college--to get it all in--unfortunately I don't get planning time like I have in previous years--which means A LOT of stuff being done at home) Man, I can't stay on topic tonight (must be those 3 lattes I've had) Okay, on with the good stuff!!

I made this graphing activity if you would like to use it...I know...last minute....but if nothing else, you can use it next year :P  You can click on the picture below to grab it---if you download--a comment would be such a treat! :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Digraph Sorts

We will be working on digraphs again.  We've done this previously with our Phonics Dance and Wilson's.  Our Treasures Reading series will be working on the sound of 'sh' and 'th'  This should be a review week, but we'll see how they do with these sounds.  I created a center I'd like to share working on the -sh sound.  You can click on the picture on the left to get it.

**IF you like this sort, I've also posted one on the Classroom Freebies page that is similar (it's sorting SH sounds by beginning and ending digraph).

I'd also like to thank one of my FABULOUS followers.  Angela created a sort sheet to go with the Pig Word Family sort.  You can click here to get her sort.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Doubles Facts and How to Be A Blog Follower

I am struggling on enriching some of my firsties.  I can generally find some way to extend the lesson--but the past several in our Envisions Math are so blah--that I'm finding it difficult.  I am looking for suggestions, but for now I made this (Story Problem) and this (Doubles-Crack the Code) and thought that maybe someone that stumbles upon my blog can use it.

Now--I've had a few people email (and I have a co-worker that I dearly love who also asked) how to become a follower.  I see action on my blog-things being pinned--thing being downloaded--but I am not sure if everyone quite knows how to join blogs, so I;m going to give you the run down. 

Step 1) Look at the right hand side of the blog.  There's a little blue button that says "Join this Site" and it has the google icon.  It looks like the picture below.

Step 2) Click on the little blue button that says join this site.  You can sign in using a google, twitter, or yahoo account.  If you don't have one of those accounts, you can create a google account (which is very easy to do--and requires very little information)

Step 3) Once you've signed in, you are given the option to follow a blog either publicly or privately.

Then you can view your blogs you've subscribed to on your dashboard..or I suggest google reader.  IF you subscribe to many blogs, that will be your best solution.  If needing help on using google reader, just ask and I will be willing to help as much as I can.   

*I'm not much of a "blogger"--I'm more of a make something and post it person.  I like sharing what I create, so if you do enjoy/can use what you've seen on here, I would like it if you'd click that little button.  It lets me know people are reading/viewing what I'm sharing..and gets me motivated to make more things to share. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pinterest--with no education relation--

I see all these fabulous teacher ideas that all these FABULOUS bloggers share---either through the pins on their blog, or their blog posts being pinned.  It's here's me---looking at my pin boards...and well, my "school stuff" related board (and yes, it's called School stuff--and I threw stuff well-not a lot of anything actually- in it and it's not organized) --is looking kinda pathetic comparatively.  Although I do have a few other pathetic looking boards too.  I feel like I spend a good bit of time on there at night (while hubby plays his video games---by the way, do  boys men ever outgrow that?) 

Anyways.... I have found some WONDERFUL recipes....and considering that baking is just as much of a passion of mine as teaching--I thought I'd share some with ya'll! 

Snicker's Cupcakes--from mybakingadditon   
These are FABULOUS.  I think these could be my new addiction!!

Cupcake Fondue--   
My daughter is always wanting to get the fondue pot out---she loves chocolate and ANYTHING--but I think she'd love this as much!!  How yummy!!

Pumpkin Pie Cupcakes

PERFECT for this time of year.  I made pumpkin cupcakes to take to work (per my son's teacher's request)--they were ahh okay--but I can't wait to try this recipe!!

Anyone else pinning---but maybe for non-school related things? My pin boards aren't huge with pins--I think I end up going from link to link to link--and then forget where I was lol---would love if anyone wanted to share some fab BAKING recipes (not much of a cook here--lol)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Little Red Hen

This week our reading series (we use Treasures) has one of my FAVORITE stories.  I just love this!!  I requested The Little Red Hen Makes Pizza from our library to use this week too.  I'm hoping to read several versions of this story, compare/contrast them and maybe Friday I will make bread in the classroom with my firsties.  I think I saw a book called "The Little Red Hen Gets Help." Has anyone read that version?  I would be interested in seeing it too.

I made a few things to go with this story.  Some I'm posting in my Teacher Store--and hopefully I will have  more to post here as I work on it through the week.  Currently I have a writing/sequencing activity to share with you.  The pictures are to go with the Treasures version of the story.  You can click the picture below to get it.

Here's what I've put in the store if anyone is interested.  In the file there are sorts for plurals (-s and -es with a recording sheet), task cards for plurals to use with Scoot or however you'd like, and a contraction pig match (no recording sheet). I also typed up the contraction song.  I had previously posted short e activities in the store (that also go with these week's story. (You can click the picture below to go directly to the store)

 **My only request--if you find any of this useful, helpful, etc....please leave a comment or become a follower if you aren't already.  Thanks! :)

Friday, October 21, 2011


Next week, our Treasures series focuses on the sound of short e.  I think that e and i are so confusing to distinguish the difference between...and then when you add our "southern Ohio" dialect---it's even harder to hear.  I don't know how often I repeat the word "GET" to my kids so they can hear that it isn't "GIT"...I'm a big fan of Larry the Cable guy, but the grammar, not so much....

I usually cup my hand around my ear and pretend to be an old lady by saying " EH?  What's that you say?"---I guess pretending to be an old lady isn't too far from what some of my firsties think of me--if you read my last post! HA! :)  Ohh well....Anywho...I made some activities that I put in my store (31 pages in the download)---but every time I post something to sell there, I will try to continue to post something free on my blog.  However, if anyone wants to see what's for can visit it here:

As for the can get it by clicking on the picture below.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I need "fluff"

Some of my co-workers kinda chuckle when I say this---but I need "fluff" in my day.  I need to make my days as fun as possible--ESPECIALLY on testing days.  This week we were taking our quarterly assessments (our testing is based on Treasures Reading series, and Envisions Math).  I needed a break The kids needed a break! I feel like sometimes when you have so many mandated assessments and textbooks to use, that no matter how fun I try to make it---it just seems BLAH! Anywho...

I love the story The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.  It's such a fun read aloud....and there's so many possibilities with this story..sequencing, retelling, onomatopoeia, predictions....and the list goes on.  I TOTALLY love children's books (Please don't ask me what the last adult book I read was lol).  When I'm doing something out of my normal routine, I like to have it all prepared (never know when you need a sub--ya know?)-so it's not a lot, but here's a few activities for the story.  I also found a website with these cute scarecrows.  I put the link in the file....but I added a glyph to go with it (also in the download).  However, today as we were working on the glyph--I had them use the hair pieces to represent their age. 

**Sidenote**I had one little guy who asked me (as I was making mine with them to demonstrate) if I were going to do the same--and he said, "What do you need---fif?" and he stopped....I said WHAT???---of course we laughed, but geesh--lol

Okay--back on topic.  I had forgotten how long it takes to do a craft project with firsties....but they did turn out cute. OHHHH and guess what????? I took pictures--kinda---sorta....well, I  used my phone so they didn't turn out great, but it's a start right? :)

**The last picture is kinda blurry--I had a little helper my son clinging loving on me as I was snapping it

Monday, October 17, 2011


As promised, here are the activities that were created to share for my 100 followers!!  Hope you like them!

Click me for FREE printables for your classroom!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Freebies coming soon!!!

I'm almost at that 100's getting close...who knows, maybe when I check my blog tomorrow, I will be able to post the dinosaur giveaway.  I would LOVE to do that!!!  I've also been working on some things to post in my TPT store. I made some double math facts activities using an ice cream cow from Scrappin Doodles (HE'S SOOO CUTE)!--Bummer part, I can't share that product here due to licenses...but feel free to head over to TPT to find it.  You can click the picture to get to my store.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hoping to meet the goal--Giveaway Soon!!

I am working hard on creating several centers/activities for my 100 follower mark.  I have this GREAT clip art from Just So Scrappy with these adorable dinosaurs.  I will attach a few photos of what I'm working on to share with ALL of you when I reach my goal! :) 

 I may be adding a few more activities---I love the dinosaurs! :)

Monday, October 10, 2011


When I first started my blog, I didn't think I'd have followers--well other than the people who know me--like my supporting husband.  (Yes, he is a follower-lol) Now I have 80 wonderful people that are following my blog.  My goal is 100!! (Why am I so greedy? I'm not the best blogger out there--heck, I don't even remember to take pictures in my classroom...but I WANT followers) I think the next "free printable" I post will be when I hit my goal. Can you wonderful people help a girl out? 

By the way, I posted last night that I opened up my teachers pay teachers store.  There is only one item in there that I haven't posted on my blog...the other items are things I've already made available to y'all.  I have decided (with help from my supportive husband) to sell some materials that I make.  I never set out to sell things, but times are tight---and if you haven't heard of SB5...well, this Ohio teacher is a little worried of what may come of her (and BTW, hubby is also a teacher). HOWEVER, I told hubby that for everything that I make to sell in teachers pay goal (and I hate not meeting my goals) is to post a freebie here on the ole' blog!   I hope that works for all of us! :)

So--help me spread the word! :)  100 is the goal (though if I hit more than that--SWEET!)--and in the meantime, I need to LEARN to take pictures of what my classroom looks like--what our work looks like--but knowing me, I'll take in the camera and forget to use it! :)

Have a great week!!! :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Teachers Pay Teachers

Soo---I know a lot of bloggers sell their items, and I never thought I would, and I'm still not sure what I will do at this point.  There's a range of thoughts/feelings running through my my stuff good enough...will it sell...who really wants my things...will my stuff be suitable for other teachers...could I make some money so I can spend it back in my classroom..see--lots of thoughts. My husband says--just try it---see what happens--you never know.  I usually don't listen to him, BUT---he's being very supportive, so maybe I'll see what happens. 

The website itself---I really like.   The products for sale there are very reasonable.  There are a lot of wonderful bloggers out there that have their products for sale.  There are also MANY resources available for free. Membership to join is free as well. 

Soo--I have started my own store. At this point, I only have one item in there---and it consists of  two Halloween centers that you can get.  They are both FREE!!!!!  One is a Math fact family sort for numbers 5-10.  The other center is a noun sort.  I tried to use easier words (or words they were familiar with) so my students can read them.  There are recording sheets available too. 

You can click on the Teachers Pay Teachers button above my blog button to access my store.  Again, these centers are FREE--and the site is free to join!! 

***Side note*** The activities I posted, I was going to do as a give away for 100 followers, but seeing that it's Halloween related, I didn't know how long it would take to get there....hence it being in the store.
  AND---if I do sell my products---I will continue to post freebies on here as I have in the past--maybe my next post will be 100 followers?  Care to help a girl out?  

Any thoughts? Suggestions? 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Missing Parts--TASK CARDS for SCOOT!! :)

In math we've been working on subtraction--finding the missing part.  Our series uses the part-part-whole boxes.  I thought I'd try to do something fun for review--so I made "task cards" for the scoot game.  Another way the task cards can be used is for Math Journals, Math Tubs, Center Workstations--or even ring them and send them for homework practice.

**I've come to love these task cards and playing Scoot with my students, but storage can be quite a pain in the butt quite cumbersome.  I find that it's easy to store them in recipe boxes, and separate them with a colored index card.  You can even use the tab kind and write what you have in each section.  I also know some people have put them on rings and hang them in their classrooms.  My classroom (WHICH I LOVE the storage) is hard to do much with.  It was a jr. high science lab...which means cabinets, and counters galore---but lack of wall space.  Therefore, I like to use the recipe boxes :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Aims Web

I can't say that I LOVE collecting all the data that we collect, but it is beneficial.  It does tell me a lot about my students...especially in the early stages of the school year.  I didn't realize I had so many students that didn't recognize numbers past 10, but I guess other than our calendar, we've only been working on addition and such to 9.  SOOOO------------I now know that I need to do more with numbers for my struggling students.  I also made these task cards for missing number fill in to help us practice.  I use task cards with the game Scoot.  You can find the directions in the game section of my blog. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Linky Party

I am sooo not following the blogging etiquette rules, then again when do I follow the rules--sooo bad about that--but I felt this needed to be shared.  I just found a great blog through a linky party that I linked up with. 

Hilary from Rockin' Teacher Materials is hosting a word work party.  I posted my Eggs-cellent word families that I've shared on here this summer.  You can head over to her cute little blog to see other great ideas.


I made this game for my son's kindergarten teacher--who happens to be one of my friends and coworkers.  I thought that I'd share it on here as well.  Maybe someone else can use it with their class---perhaps as a review before teaching 3D shapes--or as a Fun Friday game, or a time filler for a sub?  It's designed to be a review of colors, shapes, and sizes.  I've included the calling card pictures as well.  **As I was making it, it reminded me a lot of candy land---so go figure, I now want to go in my kitchen and bake--but I'm going to try to behave myself and avoid the temptation of sugar.  ** The file is large.  There are 22 Three-in-A-Row Cards (my intentions for this is that it's played like Bingo, but you only need 3 in a row to win--kinda like tic-tac-toe) and the calling cards.  I hope that I didn't duplicate any, but if you notice a mistake, please let me know. Enjoy!!