Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Run Run Fast as you can----Color the short vowel gingerbread man

So my little dude was home with a fever today.  I thought...well, he can just snuggle up beside mommy on the couch, turn on the TV, and I can do some pinning, make some freebies for the blog, work on something for TPT--I will get a lot done and still have me little guy right beside me...RIGHT??? WRONG!!  Here I was wanting to keep him still---comfortable---and he wanted to jump around and play video games.  So needless to say--though we didn't jump around---I didn't get as much accomplished like I had hoped.  Good news is--he's feeling better.  As soon as I told him his fever broke he said, "Okay-can I go to school now?"  Gotta love him! :)

Now, I did however make this. It's just a short vowel review worksheet.  Hope you enjoy.  You can click the pic to download it. 

If you download and you haven't clicked the blue join this site button on the left--I'd love for you to follow AND leave some comments ;)  They really do perk this ole' tired momma up ;)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I was beginning to wonder if people read what I post---or if the things I make are useful to others, and then----BAM!!  I have had so many hits on my blog lately--which is really something that has FILLED MY BUCKET!!!!  So a HUGE thank you to Heidi from Swamp Frog First Graders, Denise from Sunny Days for posting on TBA, and Charity Preston from SOO many things, especially for her Classroom Freebies blog.  I really appreciate the traffic that you have brought to my blog.

I posted this over at Classroom Freebies. You can click the picture if you want to grab this Noun/Verb game--in case you didn't see it at Classroom Freebies.
So, today---we had a 2 hour delay (power outage)......and then my kids went to specials for 90 minutes, and then we had lunch/recess....and then I got to teach ;)  I realized that some of my kiddos are going to struggle with long a/silent e. I previously posted a Christmas tree coloring sort, but I made this sort this evening.  I introduced the e as the MEAN-E.  "Meanie" letter---it's probaby not the best method anymore, but it always works for my kids when I talk about him jumping over letters and pinching the vowel, and the vowel screams his name.  Don't judge---it works! ;)

So if you'd like another freebie, you can click the picture below for a worksheet.

Monday, November 28, 2011

So leave a peppermint stick for old St. Nick ---Hanging on the Christmas tree

It's the holiday season!!!  Yeah---I know--my singing is JUST FABULOUS!!! If you ask my family (my wonderful husband and adorable kids) they will tell you just how truly great I am at singing. PSHH!  What do they know?  I live in Buddy's world!

Although---I did hear my kids upstairs making fun of me and my singing---my son, who's 5, said--she just sings SOO LOUD.  I really only do it because I know it drives them KUH-RA-ZY! :) ohh--and it's fun to be the annoying one sometime! :)

I saw this and pinned it on Pinterest---not everyone is a fan of peppermint, but it does look so pretty in this punch bowl.  If you click the pic, it will take you to the recipe on Taste of Home.

**Random thought---but wouldn't a linky party of holiday foods be fun?  I have NO clue how to do one--and technically it isn't "school-ish"--but WOW--with all these great blogs, could you imagine how many ideas I'd get? ;)

Okay--back on topic--kinda?  Food gets my brain juices working sometimes...then again, sometimes it turns my hiney into a magnet where I stay plopped in front of the TV at night---but we won't mention that.  Soo----here's a peppermint plural game if you'd like to use it.  Ohh--I didn't put it in the directions, but the only thing you  need is to add playing pieces (I have found that math teddy bear counters in different colors work well for playing pieces on smaller game boards).  Click the pic to download.

If you could be so kind and help spread some holiday cheer---comment below if you find this helpful ;) 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

He's Making a List---He's Checking it Twice

Well the house is decorated----the outside lights are up.  Christmas music was playing last night---all that is missing are the smells of fattening foods baking in my kitchen (I must get in there and solve that problem soon!!) Have I told you how much I LOVE Christmas?  I think I'm just as giddy about the holidays as my own children--not to mention my firsties.  When we turned our calendar to November, I started a Christmas countdown in the classroom.  Like I said---I'm just as giddy.  Christmas is a time to be giving (though I think that all year should be the Christmas season---people just seem jollier) and I would like to say that I will have a freebie for you each and every day leading up to Christmas....and by golly, I'm going to TRY, BUT the holidays are also hectic--will see what I can do.  How about we start with this? 

 You can click on Santa to get the document.  The first pic is just a seasonal word list for a center. The other two pictures are journal prompts.  I plan on using these for a writing center over the next few weeks.  I hope someone else can find them useful-----just remember---I LOVE COMMENTS.  I feed off of them--well comments and baked goods make my life HAPPY!! :)

And now a shameless plug for my Teacher Store---I made several products this weekend, so if you happen to get a chance and want to see what I've made--I'd love to have some followers over there too.  Here's a quick peek of the adorable graphics I've used on four different games.  You can click the picture below to visit and become a store follower if you'd like. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

and yes---I totally sang that as I was typing it! I LOVE Christmas....everything about it!!!  I am getting my house ready, and I thought my classroom needed to get ready too. :)  Here is a sort sheet for basic shapes.  We will be working on shapes when I go back on Tuesday--so stay tuned for some more geometry freebies....I'm sure I will be making something for it.  Click the pic to get the shape sort by color worksheet. 

OHHH I also  made this for my TPT store....GOTTA love the gingerbread men!!!  Hmm......that reminds me, I need to be looking for a gingerbread cupcake recipe too! :)  (If I find a good one---you KNOW I'll be posting it for ya'll!)  Click the pic to visit my TPT store.

So a short and simple post today---hope someone finds the freebie useful....NOW off to decorate and to look for that gingerbread cupcake recipe ;) 


Tis the Season------

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving....I realized that I am without a doubt blessed with so many things.  I am so very thankful for family, friends, and all the lessons I've learned in life.  God has truly given me so much to be thankful for.

Instead of taking a nap (when my belly got full) I played around on the internet, looking for cute clip art...WOW there is so much out there!!  I made another product for my teacher's Christmas-y, and it focuses on nouns and verbs (it's what we will be working on in Treasures).  Here's a little peek at what I made:

 And I made this to play Scoot later next week.   You can click on the picture to grab the scoot cards.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tis the Season---

Okay, so maybe Thanksgiving isn't here and gone yet...but I LOVE the Christmas season.  I don't know if it's the lights, the baking, the giving of the presents, the celebration of Christ---actually, it's all of that!  Christmas has to be my favorite time of the year...and I'm SOOO ready for snow to help put me in the festive mood.  I like to have those phone calls that put us on a delay--(just being honest---it is soo nice to lounge in PJ's just a little longer in the mornings), but as of now, no snow for my area. HOWEVER--that doesn't keep me from thinking about Christmas. 

Next week we will be focusing on the sound of long a with the silent e.  For Treasure's users, the story is Kate's Game.  Here's a simple color sheet if you'd like to use it focusing on cvc and cvcE with the vowel a.  Click the picture if you want to grab it---and if you find it useful...I'd love a comment from ya! ;)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What I'm Thankful For

Last year I was such a good girl and did the whole month + of thankfuls after our preacher asked us to list them--and even post them on facebook if applicable.  This year, I didn't do as well with writing them all down.  Luckily,  Rachelle over at WHAT THE TEACHER WANTS  is having a linky party to put things back in perspective.

Here are the questions:

1.  What are you thankful for in your classroom?
2. What person are you most thankful for?
3. What 3 blogs are you most thankful for?
4. What guilty pleasure are you most thankful for?
5. What are you most thankful for?

1) I am most thankful for my students. I am glad to see them each and every day. I worry about them when they aren't, and for some, being at school is the safest, healthiest, and happiest place for them.

2) WOW...just one person huh?  I am most thankful for my husband.  He's my everything.  He is caring, supportive, loving, funny, need I go on?  He is an AWESOME father.  He cooks, cleans, does laundry, and can even braid hair! He is the one I go to for everything---he is my best friend.  

3) Hmm....3 blogs....Well, I have to say that my 3 blogs are:
  Yep, that says Cookies and Cups.  I have to say, that baking is one of my favorite things (next to teaching) and I spend a lot of time in the kitchen with my own kids making things.  So this blog helps me get some time in with my own kids.

  I love the lunchbox ideas.  I need to get a cute little divider so I can start surprising my own kids with those adorable lunches like she packs! :)

and finally  
  (or Classroom Freebies more specifically) it's nice to find teachers who offer so much of their work for  free.  I'm thankful for the many people I've received feedback and ideas from.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the wonderful ideas.

4) What guilty pleasure (I'm breaking the rules and listing 2) am I the most thankful?  I'd have to say and  

5) What am I the most thankful for?  I have a lot.  I'd have to say I'm thankful for all the blessings I have in my life.  Praise to the good Lord above.  I wouldn't be where I am now without prayer and faith.  I'm thankful for my husband, family, job, friends, DISNEY WORLD---but I am so thankful that my children are happy and healthy.  I love my job as a teacher, but these little ones are my world.  
