Sunday, September 17, 2017

Phonemic Awareness and Sight Words

First, this is like crazy.  I haven't blogged, or created much of anything since January.  Well, I can't say that I haven't created anything because if you follow me on IG, you know that I've created some things.  Here are some of my creations. 

So, maybe it isn't school related, but it is a great stress relief.  For those of you that are new to following me, I have wanted a bakery for quite some time.  I get orders now and again at home, but I'm still holding out for a mobile bakery. Some day---but for now, the teaching gig.

I began my reading groups last week.  I knew that the students I was working with were low.  I feel that this new group of first graders may be lower than those in the past by looking back at old lesson plans.  I needed to go back to Kinder skills and make sure we truly master those skills before moving on.  I  believe that a lot of times we are under so much pressure to cram things in that we don't always know how much information is being absorbed.  That's the great thing about small groups.  You can focus on specific skills, and work on those problem areas.  

This past week, I spent time in my Intervention groups working on rhyme.  The majority of my students (15 of them)  couldn't tell me if given words rhymed, let alone orally produce rhyming words. I spent class time reading rhyming stories, having the students repeat the rhymes, giving them silly name rhymes (for example Nayden Jayden).  They thought that was a hoot.  I would go around the table each day and give them a new rhyming name.  We also played rhyming games, and we did quick assessments with a thumb up, thumb day based on pictures of rhymes.  It is definitely important that they repeat those rhymes.  Some students didn't want to repeat me, and they had the most difficulty.  Most often, if they are repeated, in a series of rhymes, they can hear the difference. 

By Friday, I was impressed with how well they were rhyming.  I was left with 2 that couldn't produce a rhyming pair.  We worked with a rhyming activity and assessment out of this pack as well. 
Literacy Stations
There are several literacy activities that are coming in handy as a review for my students in this pack.
Click the image above to see what is included in this pack. 

Just a little background.....
I am currently a Title teacher serving 1-3. 
The majority of the students I service are being monitored closely.  
A portion of my day includes me tracking data, and filling out paperwork for SSMT.
Last year, around 10 students that I had worked with qualified for an IEP.
My job as a Title teacher isn't what I envisioned, but it is definitely what is needed in my building. 

So when you see me post things that I am working on with my 1st, 2nd, or 3rd graders
and I post on IG or FB, keep in mind that my students may be performing up to 2 years behind their peers.  I felt that may be important to say to help clarify some of the things I may have posted. 

BUT, the good news is, most of the students I serviced last year, I am not seeing in my groups this year.  I truly believe that my 2nd graders retained their sight words. I fully believe that the fluency reads helped them master those. You can check those out by clicking the image below.  If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Fluency Reads

All of my first and second grade groups have been working out of our Roll and Read fluency binders.
Roll and Read Game

I have taken the pages from this set, and placed them back to back in a sheet protector.
I am able to work on tracking print, or letter naming with my first grade groups, and short vowel sounds with my 2nd grade groups.  They have enjoyed these games and ask to play them often.
You can click the image above to check it out on TpT.  It's a $3 set, and it has been a lifesaver for me and great for time fillers or sub planning! :)

Another activity that my first graders have enjoyed is our popcorn game.
I just placed all the pieces in a popcorn container. 
Students have to name the letter, and the letter sound.
It has been a fun way to review (or in some cases) learn their sounds.
You can pick up this FREEBIE from this old blog link.
Click HERE!

Finally, if you have made it this far with me, here are a few things I am working on with groups next week.  This is several days of instruction as I review letters/sounds daily, and only have my groups for 20 minutes.  We will be working on letters/sounds/sentences, and number of words in sentences.
I have for you an 18 page activity reviewing those skills with sorts, teaching points, and independent activity for checking mastery.  This is my way of saying thank you for still supporting me though I have slacked as a blogger.  I do try to post on FB often, so be sure to check me out there! 

The last few pages is a sight word activity.  I used a little pocket chart at my teacher table often. (All of these activities were actually designed with my teacher table or pocket chart in mind.) 
With the sight word activity, the first colored background are the first 25 FRY words.  The yellow colored set is for Fry words 75-100.  
To play the game, sight words are placed in the pocket chart with the squirrel card hiding behind 1 of the sight words.  Students take turns saying a sight word.  When the squirrel is revealed, the game is over.  My kids like these silly games, so I hope to make one with all Fry words for each month/season.  This game, because they always ask me the name of it, is, The Squirrel stole my nut!

If you would like this activity pack, please click HERE to be taken to the Google Drive link.

Now,  I have to get back to the kitchen because I have jar cakes to finish. 
Here's the order for today. 
Oreo! :)