Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What's Cooking Wednesdays!

Over the weekend, I had asked my FB fans what they thought of a teacher blog that wasn't just "teacher-y"  We are so much more than just teachers.  We have our school lives and our home lives which sometimes blur together.  I'm more than a teacher.  Yes, at school we are moms, dads, nurses, councilors, the list could go on.  Then at home, we are parents, spouses, significant others, caregivers to our parents/grandparents.  Then what if we have pets?   Again, the list could go on.    I wanted to let ya in on the "other side of me' I'm bringing you:

  My intent of these Wednesdays, if they should continue, is to not only let you in on "my world", but also hope that you find something yummy to use in the process.  If you already follow me on Pinterest, you know that I pin me some food! :)

Allow me to introduce one of my best cooking buddies!  

Meet Bella
(Forgive the blurred image, but it links to Amazon if you want to check it out)

There's something about a slow cooker that makes me happy.  Not sure if it's throwing it all in and letting it go, the smells that fill the house, the time that it saves, or what---but I love them.  When I got my triple server, I was in heaven.  It's so nice to have a whole meal ready.  Main course, side dish, dessert, or a bread, meat, fruit for breakfast. 

Now, my favorite food of all times (besides junk food of course) is anything breakfast related.  I don't always get breakfast foods (never enough time in the mornings, ya know?).  We sometimes fix breakfast for supper.  LOVE it! :)  

Here's our latest menu for Bella:
1) Breakfast Casserole
2) Cooked Apples
3) Monkey Bread

*Probably not the "lightest" of meals, but hey! :)

Here is the before image of the Breakfast Casserole.

I tweaked it a bit to fit in smaller crockpots, and for my family's liking.

Here is the final product. 

Next up, the Chunky Applesauce.  
I don't really have a recipe for this.  I make it off the top of my head, but it generally turns out the same.  It is without a doubt one of my absolute FAVORITE crock pot recipes. Here is what I *think* I put in it ;)  Sometimes I have added vanilla too.

And the final product....

Finally, Monkey Bread.  
My kids love helping make monkey bread, and when I came across this crock pot recipe, I knew we had to make it.  Here's the original recipe. 

Again, I tweaked it just a hair.  Believe it or not, I didn't think it needed all that sweet stuff on it, so we opted not to do the icing.  Here's how we made ours.

And the final product:

Now, I'm too short to get a great overhead view of all this cooking together, so it's in parts. :)

Put all three recipes together and you have a simple breakfast/supper.  We made it together as a family, and everyone had their part.  Making meals together are some of our best times as a family. 
I hope you can find something yummy to share with your family too.

***So what do you think of "What's Cooking Wednesdays" this something I should continue? 


  1. I found your blog as I was searching for ideas for my kiddos. My husband and I home school our three special needs children-our two boys with autism ages 4 & 6, and our adopted daughter with Reactive Attachment Disorder and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. It was never our intent to home school, but my 4 year old has an allergy to all adhesives (band aids, tape, stickers, you name it) and it wasn't really possible for him to go to school and be safe. Anyways, I'm enjoying your blog, especially for ideas regarding my 6 year old. He should be kindergarten this year but he's already more than half way through the 1st grade curriculum. I'm loving your new Wednesday idea! I have a feeling it's not going to help with my weight loss plan. I too blog, our family blog is private, but our learning time blog is public. It's not as fancy and detailed as yours, but it's a log, portfolio, and a record of our lesson plans and accomplishments. I'm horrible about updating it in a prompt manner, mind you we do have learning time just about every day including in the summer.

  2. Yes! Please continue this. Its what we do outside the classroom that makes us who we are in the classroom. I just put Bella on my wish list:) I didn't know she existed.
    First Grade Carousel

  3. I love it!!! I use my crock pot all the time......although I don't have a Bella :) I have recently started doing "Freezer Cooking" which works well with a crock pot ......I can drop my frozen meal into the crock pot, come home from school and make a side and we have dinner! I love the new Wednesday ( and Tuesday) tips!!!

  4. I don't even cook and I enjoyed it. Of course I will share with my cooking hubby and love that these are vegetarian friendly. Now I need to find a teacher/gardener. ;)

  5. We just made crockpot applesauce this week. Yum!


First Grade and Fabulous