Friday, February 22, 2013

Hall Pass Linky

Happy Friday everyone!!  Reagan has a fun linky party going on, and I thought I'd join in.  You can click the picture below to head to Reagan's Hall Pass Linky Party.

Basically, I'm to show you a product that I'm loving, my favorite area of my classroom, a signal for transitions, and how I keep my sanity?  (Uhm..I think I lost my sanity a long time ago---but I'll figure out something to write!) ;)

If you remember, I have told you this year has been a challenge. I have several low firsties (PK level when they came to me, so first grade work is definitely a challenge) so my favorite product right now has to be my Super Reader sets.  I made them for my kiddos that were struggling mastering their sight words.  It has been a true motivator for them to earn a new sight word booklet (plus stickers at that!)  I love how focused they are on it too.  They've now decided that they wanted me to test them on their words daily, so right before we do reading groups, I test them.  I'm so proud of the gains they are making! 

Set One
Set Two
And one of my sweeties working hard for me.

My favorite area is the reading hut.  Last year's class really enjoyed it, and this year I have a few who get their centers done so they can quickly go read inside of it! :)
You can tell it's been loved because the felt pieces are falling off...I need to fix that!

Oh my, I do everything from saying if you hear me clap once, to saying hey, if you transition to this next lesson quickly, I'll give you chocolate (if I haven't eaten it!)  Most of the time, my go to is simply saying "Beat my clock!"  I tell them what is needed out of their desks, where I want them to be, or what I need them doing.  Then I start the count down. It's usually me counting down from 10 slowly.  They LOVE beating my clock, and I do have a few that are poky little puppies, so when I get to 3, I count slower, or add in 1/2s.    Usually most are  ready and counting with me by the time I get to 5

Well now, I did label my Teacher Toolbox with a Chocolate drawer.
It's a great place to stash away a few treats---and my coworkers will even find themselves in my room asking for chocolate.  That's how I keep my sanity at school....that and PRAYER!  I do find myself saying a quick little prayer to the Good Lord above to help me stay calm. 
(I'm telling you...this year has been a challenge, so thankful for God keeping me in check!)

Then, when I come home, it it's been a REALLY stressful day, you can find me in the kitchen baking away. I find myself baking more often than my hips and thighs would like.  
I must find some other taste testers! :)

There you have it friends.....want to see who else linked up?  
Check it out! :)


  1. Your Super Reader sets look fabulous! I am with you on the chocolate=sanity.
    Finally in First

  2. DeAnne!
    Thank you so much for linking up. I tried licking my monitor at the end of your post, but I still have yet to try one of your amazing looking cupcakes! :( Love the pink and zebra!!!

  3. I love the chocolate drawer, so funny! I'm trying to stop drinking cokes, but my stress reliever used to be a big vanilla coke (no diet coke allowed) from Sonic. The toolbox fortunately doesn't have a drawer big enough to hold one or I'd be in trouble.
    The Super Reader sets are terrific!
    That cupcake looks like you have reinvented Hostess' cupcakes, but yours looks much more yummy! : )

  4. Your teacher toolbox is beyond fabulous and the chocolate drawer must be a lifesaver some days!! Love your blog posts!!

    Confessions of a Teachanista


First Grade and Fabulous