Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sight Words and Intervention

Sight words, trick words, popcorn words, sticky words---whatever you want to call them--are so hard for many kids to master.  I remember when my son was 3 or 4, we were working on sight words and such with him  (Yes, I'm that kind of mom---and his sister was already reading by that age) he had a hard time remembering the word THE.  For Connor, he just wasn't ready to read at the time.  I'm not sure how he did it, but he knew all his Dolch words before Kindergarten.

I was fortunate enough to have two kiddos who are high level readers--where it just came easy for them.  Unfortunately, it has made it hard for me in the classroom.  I try to differentiate their instruction.  I work with them during intervention.  Then I come home and try to figure out what else I can do to help them. 

You may remember the story of the little girl last year who struggled with sight words, and she made much growth through the sight word readers I created.  The books were easy, but built with repetition of previous sight words.  It gave her the confidence that she needed.  Her mom was proud of the growth she made last year, and so was I.  She's still holding her own as a 2nd grader right now!!  (I like to see how "my kids" are doing the following year!)

Well this year, I have some struggling kiddos again---the sad thing is, they have missed quite a few days of school (over 35--and that's not counting holidays, snow days and tardies) I know right?  So, I'm trying hard to get them caught up.

One of these kiddos has just recently been pulled for interventions by a resource teacher.  Our resource teacher uses Dolch words, so I needed to revamp some of my work I created previously so I can assist her when she comes back to the room.  I also wanted to create it in a manner to which  parents can help the kiddos at home. 

I think sight words need to be practiced often, repetition is key.  However, I don't want just drill, drill, drill with the use of flash cards.  I created a little pack (very similar to the Super Readers set)  for the first five words in the Dolch Pre-Primer list. 

I've considered revamping the Super Reader sets to resemble this pack, but I needed input from others.  Do you use Fry words or Dolch words?   

 To try this with your kiddos (As a parent or teacher) click on the image below.
 Dolch PrePrimer Sample Pack

What do you think of this little pack with the readers?  


  1. I LOVE it! Great activities that students would enjoy doing! We don't have a set list of sight words that we use in the classroom so I am open to ANYTHING that I can use to help my struggling readers. This would be perfect for 1 little boy in my classroom. If you want help editing or whatever I will gladly volunteer.

  2. I love it. I am going to try some of these with my kinders next week. Thank you for sharing and I can't wait to the see the finished product! :)

  3. This is really good…..but your super readers pack is awesome too!!! We use Fry words…..are required to by the district…..

  4. I like it :) I think it would be fun and useful. My school has just started using the teacher's college high frequency word lists

  5. I love this! Like someone said on facebook, I really like how it builds. I teach K and we have 100 sight words that kids have to know, but it's a mish-mash list that our district created, compiled from the dolch list and the fry list with some extra words thrown in from the F&P reading books/tests we give. That said it's hard to find a pre-made product that is perfect for my needs, but I really like this packet and would be willing to pay about $3 for a pack like this!

  6. we use a combination of both... 300 total love the pack and the stuff I have bought from you on tpt has help my kiddos who are far behind so thanks!

  7. I really like this idea! I have some students who struggle with sight words, too! We use Fry and Dolch words. Thank you so much for creating such awesome products!

  8. I use Dolch words but I have been using your super reader packs and love them. My aide uses them with our lowest firsties and she thinks their wonderful. I especially love the sentence sheets.

  9. I use Dolch words, but have your Super Reader set as well - love it! I would be first in line if you made a Dolch version - especially with the Primer through 3rd grade words included (hey, a girl can wish, right?!?). :)

  10. Hi I love these! Do u have a pack of the FRY words? We don't use Dolch. If you do , I would love to buy them. Please let me know!

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