Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Magic E---need input!!

Can you believe that my mind is in gear for NEXT YEAR?  I know right?  Not that I'm "done", but I'm trying to revamp some things for next year.  See, I have two kindergartners who come to me for guided reading groups this year.  They will most likely be in my classroom next year---which means---thinking of new ways to enrich them, creating new workstations, maybe making some author studies for them.  They both read on a 2nd grade level so I can only imagine what will happen next year.  Anyhoo, that put my brain in overload and now I'm thinking of next year already, but I need input. 

I posted earlier this year that I introduce him as a bully letter, that he's a meanie (Mean E lol) Get it?  Okay---I'm rambling as usual.  I have seen some cute ideas with the wand and such with the magic E floating around on pinterest (which is a much nicer way than mine lol).  I thought I'd create a mini lesson (I thought it would be good for one-on-one.small group with an aide/helper).  I'd like to know if it's okay---I found a poem a while back that was cute---but it needed more UUMPH, so I added to it and rearranged it.  Maybe it doesn't flow very well---so advice would be great.  Thanks so below to grab your copy. Then please leave me a comment.


  1. Had to show one of my SECOND graders the magic E trick the other day. He was amazed...and I was aghast. How did he miss that in first grade?

    Needless to say, I will be checking back to see if others have good ideas for me...I mean you. :-)

  2. I love it! I have taught this lesson for an observation and I used something shorter for the students to memorize (my district loves that sort of stuff)

    Magic e, that is me!
    Changing vowel sounds, as quick as can be.
    At the ends of words I play my game,
    I make the vowels say their name!

    1. I like both the short and long verses....but I think the kiddos I will have will do better with the shorter one! Thanks for sharing your shorter verse!

  3. I love your poem. I think it flows really well.

    Grade ONEderful

  4. Love your ideas! I can't wait to use it in my room. We are working on magic e with long i this week. Next week is magic e and long o!

  5. I call the e at the end of long vowel words "What's your name e" because he makes the vowel say his name. We do Pathways to Reading in my district. It has worked really well for my kiddos, but I like your magic e too.


First Grade and Fabulous