Monday, June 4, 2012

My Favorite Things

*singing* Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things! 

Hold your applause.... :)

One of my sweet little bloggy friends, Mary, over at Sharing Kindergarten  is hosting a My Favorite Things linky party.  I just had to join in--the only problem is, I LIKE A LOT OF STUFF!! :)  Here we go!  (I didn't include any "teacher-y favorites---today is my first day officially for summer vacation, though I'm ready to see back to school ads, I'm not quite ready to go back, or think about it just yet, give me a week! lol)

 1) If it's peanut butter and chocolate, I gotta have it!!!  Reese cups are my favorite though.  Plain, on s'mores,, on cupcakes, in ice cream ,OHH MY!!!  This is an addiction I am trying very hard to overcome, as my taste buds like them WAY more than my hips do.  So if I'm drooling onto your computers right now, it's because I'm "dieting" (BLARG) and am trying to eat healthier (BLARG again)!

                2) My husband's IPAD.  I never thought I would want one for myself, but I really like it.  I love using it for pinterest.....and it helps me stay on my treadmill which is my next favorite.

3) WE are all enjoying our Treadmill.  It's nice to not have to worry about where the kids will go for us to work out.  We had tried a Gym Membership, but my son (who's 6) would have had to go to the nursery---say what???  This is a win-win for all of us!

4) Disney World-----This is by far my FAVORITE everything....favorite place to go, favorite thing to do, favorite places to eat, favorite vacationing place ever.  I seriously can NOT get enough of the Disney magic! 

  5) Friday Night Family Pizza Nights---I love turning on the TV and watching it with the whole family---we usually play catch up on Idol (and now America's Got Talent).  It's just a nice time---no dishes, no mess, just the family! :)

  6) Making Cupcakes!  This is my stress outlet (and probably the reason why I needed that treadmill---someone has to eat the new recipes I try out, right?)  Ohh---and see the Reese's on top?  Told ya---my weakness! :) 

Well that sums up a "Few of my favorite things"  Yes, I sang that for you again! :)  You're welcome! 

Check out Mary's linky party by clicking the image below!! 


  1. Hi Deanne!

    I'm your newest follower :)

    I saw that you love making do I!! I make them for my KDG'ers all the time. Thankfully the kiddos haven't had any major allergies...but they love being the taste testers for new creations!

    Happy summer break!


  2. I LOVE some Disney too! We go once a year... and we have already gone this year. I am itching to go again!
    Thanks for linking up!
    Sharing Kindergarten

  3. IPads are definitely awesome and I use mine for Pinterest all the time! Pizza night sounds like a lot of fun!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  4. Have you ever put Reese's P.B. cups in the freezer? They are extra yummy when they are cold. Snickers are also great in the freezer.

  5. I am so glad to have the "how to's" you made. I will be passing your blog on to my fellow teachers that need the blow by blow instructions. These were great!


First Grade and Fabulous